• PCI QSA - Quality Security Assessor

    Certified to conduct on-site audits, generate Reports on Compliance (RoCs) and Attestations of Compliance (AoCs), and offer SAQ guidance

  • Penetration Testing Experts

    To deliver comprehensive and effective security testing services that meet the most stringent industry standards.

  • PCI ASV- Approved Scanning Vendor

    Certified to conduct Vulnerability Scan for PCI


  • PCI QSA - Quality Security Assessor

    Certified to conduct on-site audits, generate Reports on Compliance (RoCs) and Attestations of Compliance (AoCs), and offer SAQ guidance

  • Penetration Testing Experts

    To deliver comprehensive and effective security testing services that meet the most stringent industry standards.

  • PCI ASV- Approved Scanning Vendor

    Certified to conduct Vulnerability Scan for PCI

PCI DSS Transition from v3.0 to v4.0

In March 2022, the Payment Card Industry Security
Standards Council unveiled the latest iteration of PCI DSS, marking a significant transition from v3.2 to v4.0. This update provides a more defined vision of the future
payment security landscape

What is PCI DSS?

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a pivotal framework for fortifying data security, especially concerning payment cards. It comprises a set of well-recognized policies and procedures geared toward enhancing the security of credit, debit, and cash card transactions while safeguarding cardholders’ personal information.

Under the governance of the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), which is a consortium comprising major credit card companies, PCI DSS has a central goal of reducing the risk of cybersecurity breaches concerning sensitive data and mitigating the potential for fraud within organizations that handle payment card information. This collection of standards holds vital importance for various entities, including service providers and merchants, involved in card data processing, storage, or transmission.

What is PCI QSA?

 A PCI QSA (Qualified Security Assessor) company is authorized to perform PCI DSS assessments tailored to ensure merchants comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). They help merchants (PCI DSS companies) identify gaps or vulnerabilities in their cybersecurity measures.

Furthermore, QSAs play a pivotal role in safeguarding cardholder data. They
conduct thorough on-site and remote assessments of security controls, providing merchants with valuable insights and recommendations to enhance their security posture. They also assist in developing and implementing essential security policies and procedures to ensure ongoing data protection

What is PCI ASV?

 An Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) is an organization equipped with security services and tools to perform external vulnerability scanning services, validating compliance with the external scanning requirements of PCI DSS (payment card industry data security standard) requirement. ASVs are authorized by the PCI Security Standards Council to offer data security assessment services, evaluating how well an organization meets the detailed scanning requirements of PCI DSS.

Our Methodology

Scoping Assessment

Determine the applicable scope, with or without the inheritance of controls and card flow

Readiness/Gap Assessment

Assist in understanding your current readiness concerning PCI compliance

vSecurity Team Support

Streamline PCI DSS requirements by providing remediation guidance, aiding in evidence collection, providing program management, and augmenting your team to assist in remediation efforts

Policy & Procedure Development

Assist in developing or updating your security framework and policies

Pre - Audit

Conduct a readiness audit to ascertain that you meet the PCI requirements

Assisted SAQ Filling

Help complete and submit your Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)

PCI Audit & ROC

Perform a final audit with reporting conducted by our Qualified Security Assessor (QSA)

PCI ASV Scanning

Conduct the mandatory quarterly PCI Approved Scanning Vendor (ASV) network scans

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