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The Role of CSP Compliance for SaaS Companies in PCI DSS Certification

July 29, 2024 | By Accorian

The rapid shift to cloud-based solutions is driven by speed, efficiency, and cost savings. With 94% of companies already adopting cloud services in 2023, the cloud migration industry will reach a staggering $628.83 billion by 2028. Organizations are now storing cardholder data not only in on-premises database systems but also in cloud platforms, bringing these data under the scope of the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard).

Introduction to SaaS Company

Many companies, such as Netflix, Dropbox, Slack, etc., operate in the cloud and provide SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) solutions. These companies can be broadly categorized into two types:

How do SaaS Companies Benefit from CSP Compliance?

Achieving PCI DSS Compliance is much easier for SaaS businesses that utilize services provided by a CSP, as they can leverage on the CSP’s PCI DSS compliance for their certification.

The following table shows the responsibilities of the CSP and the SaaS organization, including the responsibilities that the CSP can share with the SaaS organization in implementing a particular PCI DSS requirement:

The SaaS companies should ask the CSP for appropriate evidence and assurance that all in-scope processes and components under the CSP’s control are PCI DSS Compliant. The assessor can also utilize this assessment or verification as part of the Customer’s PCI DSS assessment.

Three Critical Areas to Achieve PCI DSS Compliance

SaaS organizations are required to focus on three critical areas to achieve PCI DSS compliance:

  • Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Documentation

    Proper documentation is fundamental to show compliance with any standards. PCI DSS also requires the documentation of in-depth policies and procedures for all the mandatory pre-requisites. The top management must approve the policies and enclose measures for non-compliance and breach of policy contents. Furthermore, PCI DSS also requires reviewing and updating all policies and procedures annually or whenever necessary (to address changes in processes, technologies, and business objectives.)

  • Risk Assessment

    PCI DSS requires companies to perform a risk assessment annually. Every company is different and will face various risks and threats according to its business objectives, industry sector, size, and location. Therefore, organizations must identify risks and threats by conducting risk assessments. This helps them identify the areas they need to improve concerning the PCI DSS requirements.

  • Vulnerability Management and Penetration Testing

    PCI DSS emphasizes vulnerability management and penetration testing. There are six different areas of vulnerability management in the standard – web application vulnerability testing, internal network vulnerability scanning, external network vulnerability scanning, internal penetration testing, external penetration testing, and segmentation testing. Understanding which aspects of the environment the provider and the customer will test is critical. But in the end, it is the customer's responsibility to ensure the tests are on time.

Why Choose Accorian for PCI DSS Compliance

Accorian holds the prestigious distinction of having a team of highly Qualified PCI QSAs (Qualified Security Assessors) specializing in assessing PCI compliance, particularly emphasizing network infrastructure. We are also CREST accredited and an ASV (Approved Scan Vendor). Our PCI accreditations underline our expertise and credibility in cybersecurity and PCI DSS compliance.

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